Local Food of the wolrd -世界の屋台料理 食べ歩き- @i-yan.com
I will introduce international cuisine. The taste is actually recorded on the field, I analyze and judged from multiple perspectives as satiety level, acridity, sweetness, temperature, fragrance and how it changes our feeling.
The world is large, there is a kind of cuisine countless. But in other point of view , there are ways to eat combinations similar, or the role of a food material is often the same. It is felt that what flows underlying the food culture around the world are common .
So on this site I don't classify meals by countries and cultures. I would appreciate if you would find something that comes into view by going through the similarity or ingredients are used in meals in this site.
タイ バンコク (東南アジア)
Thailand Bangkok (Southeast Asia)
何これ?と店のおばちゃんに聞くと「ポテト」との回答。とりあえず買ってみたが、どうやらこれはタピオ...続きを読むRead More
タイ バンコク (東南アジア)
Thailand Bangkok (Southeast Asia)
肉は大きなもも肉。柔ら...続きを読むRead More
タイ バンコク (東南アジア)
Thailand Bangkok (Southeast Asia)
他には、...続きを読むRead More
タイ バンコク (東南アジア)
Thailand Bangkok (Southeast Asia)
湯葉、卵、モツ色々、カリカリ豚肉、豚皮、パクチーなどが入ったスッキリしてうまみたっぷりのスープ。...続きを読むRead More
タイ バンコク (東南アジア)
Thailand Bangkok (Southeast Asia)
ねぎ、さやえんどう、ほうれん草、チャーシュー、メンマ。そして食べても食べても麺。これぞ日本のラー...続きを読むRead More
タイ バンコク (東南アジア)
Thailand Bangkok (Southeast Asia)
プルプルババロア...続きを読むRead More